Revelation Study Format

This nine-week Bible study course has been written for use by adult groups, with the number of participants in each study group ideally limited to approximately 20 people.The first class meeting serves as an orientation session, followed by eight weekly class sessions offering a detailed study of the entire book of Revelation. Each week, the specific text of Revelation to be covered is to be read aloud in the process of exploring the Scripture passages and of completing the group discussion questions.

Abundant supplemental research materials are included as independent reading opportunities within each lesson, offering a personalized option either for in-depth study of the individual research topics or, if desired, a more general review. Although the content of some of the supplemental materials may certainly enter in to the discussion, the group’s class time is generally intended for reading the pertinent segments of Scripture assigned for that week and for responding to the discussion questions.

In addition to the supplemental research information and group discussion questions, sections containing Teacher’s Notes and Appendices are provided which are purposefully in-depth, aiding participants as they read, contemplate, and complete the lesson materials during the week prior to each class meeting.

This class has been taught successfully using the following two-hour format:

Arrival15 minutes
Lesson90 minutes
Prayer Requests15 minutes

Should this 90-minute lesson time not be feasible for your group, discussion breaks occur naturally within the weekly lessons where the classroom study could simply be paused at a reasonable stopping place, and then resumed from that point the next week.

Please see the Study Description for further details regarding the Revelation study, or return to Revelation Study.