Be Ready to Give an Answer Format

This 12-week Bible study workbook has been written for use by adult groups. Background material included in the lessons and the Teacher’s Notes section is purposely in-depth and will be very helpful to students as they read, contemplate, and work through the lesson materials during the week prior to each class meeting.

Depending upon the lesson, the facilitator may choose to read some of the background material during class. However, the majority of each class session should always be utilized in open discussion and seeking greater understanding through sharing among the participants. As the study workbook’s title implies, the final goal of each lesson will always be for each student to “be ready to give an answer” to themselves and to others about the faith that they have!

Ideally, the number of participants in each study group should be limited to approximately 20 people. This class has been taught successfully using the following two-hour format:

Arrival15 minutes
Lesson90 minutes
Prayer Requests15 minutes

Please see the Study Description for further details regarding the Be Ready to Give an Answer study, or return to Be Ready to Give an Answer.